Mad Fish Digital is an award-winning SEO agency with experience working with credit unions. We help our clients rank higher for their target keywords through keyword optimization, content strategy, and technical search engine optimization (SEO) so that more people can find and join their credit unions. Ranking higher in search engines increases online visibility, leading to more organic traffic and qualified leads for our clients. 

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Mad Fish Digital uses proven search engine optimization techniques to help credit unions stand out from the competition. Our comprehensive SEO services cover everything from in-depth keyword research to on-page and off-page optimizations to help our clients increase rankings for target keywords to drive more qualified leads. We’re dedicated to delivering an unforgettable client experience and driving meaningful results for your credit union. Here’s how our SEO services can help your credit union grow: 

  • Build Trust & Credibility: We help credit unions increase online visibility to build trust and credibility in their market. 
  • Reach Your Audience at The Right Time: Our strategic keyword targeting puts your credit union in front of potential customers while they are searching for banking services.
  • Stand Out From The Competition: Our individualized SEO services help establish your credit union as a top choice.
  • Increase Customer Acquisition: We use SEO to help you connect with potential customers who are actively searching for your services, bringing you more qualified leads and new customers. 
Best overall PPC initiative - Enterprise in the 2023 Search Engine Land Awards!

SEO Strategy Development for Credit Unions

Mad Fish Digital offers top-notch search engine optimization strategies designed to bring credit unions more customers. We have a proven track record of increasing organic search traffic and improving keyword rankings for our clients, helping them attract more customers and grow their credit unions.

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SEO Agency for Credit Unions

Mad Fish Digital is a trusted SEO agency for credit unions. Our search engine optimization services are individualized to meet the specific needs of each client, ensuring they rank better in search results to drive qualified leads to their website. We use proven SEO strategies to help credit unions stand out among their competitors. 

We Help Solve Issues Such As:

Challenges with Customer Acquisition

Credit unions often struggle to acquire new customers due to high competition and changing consumer behaviors. We help our clients connect with their target audience to increase customer acquisition. 

Difficulty in Measuring ROI

Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of marketing efforts is challenging without the proper tools and tracking in place. Our detailed reporting gives complete insight into the performance of our marketing efforts. 

Adapting to Evolving Digital Marketing Trends

Many credit unions struggle to keep up with the rapidly evolving digital marketing landscape. We stay up-to-date with marketing trends and technologies to keep our clients ahead of the curve. 

Digital Marketing Metrics We Manage for Our Credit Unions Clients

Here are the key performance indicators we track for our SEO campaigns:

    • Organic Traffic: The amount of visitors coming to a website from organic search results.
    • Keyword Rankings: Where our clients rank for relevant keywords such as “low interest credit cards” or “mortgage rates.”
    • Click-Through Rate (CTR): The number of people who click through to a website after seeing it in search results.
    • Conversion Rate: The percentage of website visitors who complete a conversion action, such as completing a loan application or opening a new account.
    • Local Search Visibility: Tracking visibility for local searches like “credit union near me” and Google My Business performance.
    • Backlink Quality and Quantity: The quantity and quality of backlinks to our client’s websites from relevant, authoritative sources.
    • Mobile Responsiveness and Page Speed: Measuring the mobile-friendliness of a webpage based on responsiveness and page speed.

Credit Unions Industry Trends

The US credit union industry had $1.95 trillion in total assets and 125.5 million members as of June 30, 2021, representing a year-over-year growth of 14.6% and 4.4%, respectively.


In 2022, credit unions in the US spent an average of $0.09 per dollar on marketing


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Bringing Innovative Pieces to the Digital Puzzle

content marketing

Content Marketing

Integrating content marketing into an SEO strategy is vital for credit unions. Our team creates content that engages and educates existing members and potential customers. By providing members with practical financial education, we make our clients’ credit unions a reliable source in the community for financial advice.

keyword research

Keyword Research & Strategy

We conduct credit union SEO keyword research to drive targeted traffic and enhance online visibility. Our research process identifies highly effective keywords, and from there, we create a roadmap for our SEO campaigns to target and increase rankings for those keywords.

Paid media icon with globe and cart.

Ecommerce for SEO

Mad Fish Digital has a proven track record of developing SEO campaigns that increase e-commerce revenue for our clients. Our search engine optimization campaigns are designed to send targeted website visitors and maximize conversion rates.

local seo

Local SEO

Our search engine optimization team also maximizes local visibility by optimizing Google My Business profiles and targeting local keywords. This helps our clients’ credit unions be found by local customers searching for their services. 

off page seo

Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO strategies like content development and link building also help our clients expand their online visibility. We pair these off-page strategies with our on-page SEO techniques to improve search engine rankings and increase customer acquisition. 

on-page search engine optimization

On-Page SEO

We use SEO best practices to optimize every page of our clients’ websites for their target keywords. This proven process helps to boost existing rankings and drive more qualified visitors to their website. 

analytics and seo monitoring

Analytics & Monitoring

Our in-depth reporting and analytics provide a clear picture of how our search engine optimization campaigns are performing. Ongoing monitoring of campaigns helps us make data-driven optimizations and deliver better results for our clients. 

technical seo

Technical SEO

For every client, we perform a technical SEO audit to identify and resolve any technical issues that are negatively impacting user experience, page speed, and crawlability. These issues can hinder the performance of SEO campaigns, so it’s necessary to fix them so our campaigns perform at their full potential.

Why Brands Trust Mad Fish Digital as Their Credit Unions SEO Partner

Providing innovative Pieces to the Digital Puzzle

Mad Fish Digital is an award-winning SEO agency and certified B-corporation dedicated to helping credit unions thrive online. Our comprehensive SEO services help increase website visitors and customer acquisition for our clients. 

accountable to results

Prioritizing Clients

Clients are a top priority at Mad Fish Digital. Our team is dedicated to delivering exceptional results for our clients, focusing on building strong relationships and providing top-notch customer service. We strive to exceed our clients’ expectations and drive success for their businesses. 

driving results

Ideal Outcomes for Clients

We are a go-to partner for driving results. Our data-driven marketing strategies are tailored to help clients meet their marketing goals and grow their business through search engine optimization. Our detailed reporting tracks campaign performance so clients can always see the impact of our services. 

innovative approach

Fresh Methodology

Our innovative approach to SEO strategy development helps clients stay on top. We stay educated about emerging technologies and trends and constantly review the performance of our campaigns. We combine our tested strategies with the latest techniques to drive better client results. 

Mad Fish Digital 'Research first' approach

Research First Approach

When working with Mad Fish Digital, we start with a complete assessment of our client’s business to understand their challenges, goals, and competition. We use this assessment to develop a tailored strategy to help them meet their goals and achieve business success. 

best agency for the planet

Best Agency for the Planet

Mad Fish Digital strives to be the best agency for the planet. This starts with positively impacting our employees, clients, and community. We’re a certified B Corporation dedicated to social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability. We focus on employee well-being and personal development to help our team drive meaningful growth for themselves and our clients. 

Want to Learn More About Our SEO Agency Services?

Reach out today to find out how Mad Fish Digital can elevate your business

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