An Award-Winning Digital Marketing for Self-Storage Businesses

Mad Fish Digital is a full-service digital marketing agency with expertise in serving the self-storage industry. We offer individualized solutions to help businesses like yours by encouraging customers to reserve units and drive growth by leveraging SEO, content marketing, paid media, and additional tactics that produce meaningful results. Contact us today to learn how partnering with the right digital marketing agency leads to reduced vacancies and more bookings.

Request a Consultation Today

Digital Marketing Services for Self-Storage Facilities That Attract More Bookings

Our primary goal as a digital agency is to ensure customers can find your self-storage facility online. That’s why we design custom strategies for businesses like yours by offering the following search-friendly solutions: 

  • Targeted Paid Advertising: Our paid media team assembles strategies serving advertising campaigns that reach potential customers at the right time and place seeking storage units—regionally and beyond. 
  • Self-Storage SEO: We create SEO strategies highlighting your self-storage solutions, increasing brand visibility, and driving qualified leads to your business.
  • Local Digital Advertising: We introduce you to your neighbors through highly targeted local advertising campaigns across digital platforms like Google and Facebook. 
  • Compelling Content Creation: We specialize in creating compelling content that resonates with customers seeking self-storage units, including producing informative blog posts covering decluttering tips and additional topics that promote your brand. 
  • Engaging Social Media Presence: We craft social media posts that showcase the convenience of storage units and their benefits, capturing attention and encouraging customer engagement.
  • Elevated Reputation Management: We monitor and respond to reviews, manage online listings, and implement tactics that enhance your storage facilities’ online reputation.
Best overall PPC initiative - Enterprise in the 2023 Search Engine Land Awards!

Check out Some of our Client Successes

Schoolhouse logo on image of styled living room
Palmer logo on image of Palmer campus
Solmate Socks logo over image of person wearing Solmate Socks

View more of our case studies and client success stories here!

Award-Winning Paid Digital Strategy Development for Self Storage

We're proud to offer our self-storage partners award-winning paid media strategies that produce actual results. What's more, our PPC team supports client success by providing unique solutions that drive higher customer acquisition and retention—resulting in increased ROI and customer satisfaction. View the sample strategy below to learn more about our award-winning work.

Download an Example Paid Media Strategy

A Digital Marketing Agency Supporting Self-Storage Businesses

Our agency provides customized digital marketing services to help self-storage businesses thrive online. Our process involves assessing your needs and goals and then using that information to develop a tailored strategy utilizing SEO, PPC, and social media tactics to increase visibility, website traffic, and revenue.

We Help Solve Issues Such As:

Low Conversion Rates

Figuring out how to reliably turn a lead into a customer is a significant hurdle for most businesses. That’s why our digital agency constantly monitors every aspect to provide the best results possible while seeking ways to reduce ad spend.

High Customer Acquisition Costs

We know it can be expensive to convert folks seeking self-storage options, particularly if your team lacks digital experience. We help businesses like yours reduce budgets by using targeted advertising to capture the right audience’s attention at the right time and eliminate areas where marketing dollars are wasted.

Ineffective Retargeting Strategies

Whether a person is searching for an immediate solution or is planning for the future, it is important to stand out against the competition. Our digital agency for self-storage businesses uses remarketing PPC strategies to make sure your customers find you at the top of search engines.

Digital Marketing Metrics We Manage for Our Self Storage Clients

We take our client’s advertising and website health seriously. That’s why we use the following metrics to manage results and provide transparency to our self-storage clients that leverage our digital marketing expertise:

  • Phone Call Level Campaign: This measures the number of real-people that were prompted by a digital ad to pick up the phone and book a reservation.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): This is the percentage of people who have seen the ad and clicked on it.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): The cost per click is the amount in dollars that you are paying for each click on your ad.
  • Conversion Rate: Each ad has a desired action associated with it, like filling out a contact form or making a reservation, the conversion rate is the percentage of people who take a desired action after clicking on the ad.
  • Cost Per Conversion (CPC): The cost of an ad divided by the number of conversions is the cost per conversion.
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): The revenue generated versus every dollar spent on advertising gives a ratio called Return on Ad Spend.
  • Ad Quality Score: This is a number on a scale of 1 – 10 that shows the relevance and quality of an ad. The higher the score the better.
  • Ad Spend: This is the dollar amount being invested into an advertising campaign.

Self Storage Industry Trends

The self storage industry had more than 1.7 billion square feet of space in the U.S. in 2023, with 39.9 million square feet delivered in 2022 and 52.5 million square feet expected to be delivered in 2023


Mad Fish Digital Logo
Modulus Company Logo

“In our first month working with them, our conversions doubled.”

-Shelly Valentine
Product Marketing Manager, Modulus

Washington State University Vancouver Logo

“Smart, friendly and practical people”

-Brian Bates
Web Communications Manager, Washington State University

Solmate Socks logo

“The team consistently delivers on efficient spending to ensure we get great returns on sales and engagement.”

-Molly Flores
Marketing Manager, Solmate Socks

Bringing Innovative Pieces to the Digital Puzzle

Paid media icon with globe and cart.

Ecommerce PPC

We optimize self-storage campaigns to increase their occupancy rates. Our PPC strategies are individualized to your brand to ensure we enhance your online presence, attract more renters, and improve conversion rates.

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Full Funnel Strategies

Full funnel strategies drive the most important elements of our PPC campaigns. First, we focus on improving brand visibility and then drive engagement, leading to increased conversions. When we target awareness, consideration, and conversion, we ensure our clients are the number one choice in mind throughout the process.

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Keyword Research & Optimization

We identify and optimize self-storage keywords to drive high ROI and qualified leads to our clientele. Our expertise targets relevant audiences with high-performing campaigns to ensure that each campaign is successful.

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Landing Pages

We know how important it is to make landing pages user and mobile-friendly. We also understand they must efficiently capture visitors’ attention while including essential keywords that rank and boost authority. Our team of experts has built a business to accomplish all that and more for our self-storage clients.

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A / B Split Testing

We A/B split test every campaign to ensure low cost per acquisition and ad spend. A/B split testing maximizes the effectiveness of all ad creatives by making sure that we are utilizing every opportunity and following the market trends.

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Getting leads for people outside of our client’s geographical area is not helpful, especially not in the self-storage industry. Mad Fish Digital ensures that our geo-fencing is accurate and relevant to meet all key performance metrics.

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Google Ads & Microsoft Advertising

Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising are two giants when it comes to utilizing search engines. Our expertise allows us to fully capture high-intent users, which leads to increased conversion rates, and better overall performance. Utilizing these platforms brings brand visibility to potential customers in ways that other websites can’t touch.

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Social Media Advertising

With most people using some form of social media, it would be a mistake to not utilize its full potential for reaching potential customers. Social media marketing allows us to capture an audience’s attention in new, effective ways, especially when it comes to building brand visibility and trust. When we leverage social media, we ensure your business stays relevant and successful for many years to come.

Why Brands Trust Mad Fish Digital as Their Self Storage PPC Partner

At Mad Fish Digital, our clients set the expectations, we just exceed them

Being a certified B-Corporation means we hold ourselves to a higher standard. Our strengths lie in helping our clientele increase revenue and dominate their online competition. Our award-winning services prove our dedication to our craft.

accountable to results

Prioritizing Clients

Mad Fish Digital is dedicated to the client experience. We do this through meaningful employee and client interactions that foster a collaborative work environment. Our team delivers exceptional results while providing top-notch customer service.

driving results

Top Outcomes for Clients

Mad Fish Digital drives results. Every aspect of our marketing tactics is mapped out to hit key performance indicators, which in turn contributes directly to our client’s business goals. Our expertise and dedication ensure our clients see measurable results every time.

innovative approach

New and creative method

We offer innovative ideas for all of our campaigns. When coupled with our frequent performance evaluations, our digital strategy keeps our pay-pay-click campaigns performing at the highest possible level.

Mad Fish Digital 'Research first' approach

Research First Approach

Mad Fish Digital approaches each new client with a research-first mindset. We want to know the brand, the competition, and the landscape the client exists in. This gives valuable insight into creating effective strategies, which then leads to better rewards.

best agency for the planet

Best Agency for the Planet

Our mission statement is simple: We strive to be the best agency for the planet. To be the best, our employees learn, grow, and exceed their potential with support from us. Happy employees turn around and provide the best services possible for our clients. We foster a work environment for our clients and teams to thrive so that everyone’s lives are better for it.

Want to Learn More About Our Digital Marketing Agency Services?

Reach out today to find out how Mad Fish Digital can elevate your business

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