Pay-Per-Click Marketing for Landscaping

Mad Fish Digital is an award-winning and certified B-Corporation agency specializing in pay-per-click (PPC) services for landscaping companies. We offer targeted ad campaigns, keyword research, and content marketing to help landscaping businesses reach new clients and maximize their return on investment from paid ads. 

Request a Consultation Today

Our pay-per-click (PPC) services for landscaping businesses are designed to help reach potential clients at the right moment to increase customer acquisition. Through the use of strategic keyword targeting and compelling ad copy, we help our clients stand out in the online marketplace and capture the attention of those in search of bettering their lawns and gardens. 

Mad Fish Digital is an agency that creates individualized, data-driven PPC strategies to help our clients increase client acquisition while maintaining an optimal ROI. We are dedicated to driving impactful results while providing an unforgettable client experience. Partner with us for your PPC needs to: 

  • Expand Your Online Presence: We help our landscaping clients increase their online presence so they are seen at the forefront of search results. 
  • Reach Your  Target Audience: We use strategic keyword targeting to put our clients in front of potential clients as soon as they start searching. 
  • Stand Out From The Competition: Our comprehensive pay-per-click services help establish our landscaping clients as a top choice in their area.
  • Increase Customer Acquisition: Our PPC campaigns are designed to help increase interest and bookings.
Best overall PPC initiative - Enterprise in the 2023 Search Engine Land Awards!

Check out Some of our Client Successes

Schoolhouse logo on image of styled living room
Palmer logo on image of Palmer campus
Solmate Socks logo over image of person wearing Solmate Socks

View more of our case studies and client success stories here!

Paid Digital Strategy Development for Landscaping

Mad Fish Digital develops pay-per-click digital strategies for the landscaping industry including budget allocations, social media advertising, and landing page optimization. Our expertise ensures that all campaigns are optimized and deliver real, measurable results.

Download an Example Paid Media Strategy

Landscaping PPC agency

Mad Fish Digital is the go-to choice for PPC marketing services for those in the landscaping industry. Through in-depth research, strategic planning and implementation, and continuous optimization, we are able to ensure positive results every time. Our landscaping clients find themselves with increased website visitors, more brand awareness, and conversion rates that exceed expectations. Since all of our services are tailored for the individual business, our clients receive the best possible service.

We Help Solve Issues Such As:

Lack of Online Visibility

Many landscaping companies find it hard to be found by potential customers due to a competitive landscape and issues in optimizing keywords. 

Difficulty in Targeting the Right Audience

Being able to effectively target the ideal clientele and then engage with them in a meaningful way can be challenging for those in the landscaping industry. 

Measuring and Optimizing Marketing ROI

Without the right resources, tools, and knowledge being able to accurately measure the return on investment of marketing efforts can be an overly complicated task. 

Digital Marketing Metrics We Manage for Our Landscaping Clients

Some of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) We Manage For Landscaping Clients:

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of people who click on an ad after seeing it. A high click-through rate indicates an ad that is attracting interest.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of people who take a desired action after clicking on an ad. A desired action can be filling out a contact form or requesting a quote.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): The average dollar amount it costs for someone to click on an ad.
  • Cost Per Conversion: The average cost for each desired action taken as a result of an ad.
  • Quality Score: The relevance and quality of ads, keywords, and landing pages according to search engines. The higher the quality score, the lower the costs, and the better ads are positioned.
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): The revenue generated per dollar spent on advertising.
  • Ad Clicks: The number of clicks an ad receives in total.

Tracking key performance indicators is important for maintaining transparency and accountability.

Landscaping Industry Trends

The global landscaping services market size was valued at $77.5 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.5% from 2020 to 2027.


Mad Fish Digital Logo
Modulus Company Logo

“In our first month working with them, our conversions doubled.”

-Shelly Valentine
Product Marketing Manager, Modulus

Washington State University Vancouver Logo

“Smart, friendly and practical people”

-Brian Bates
Web Communications Manager, Washington State University

Solmate Socks logo

“The team consistently delivers on efficient spending to ensure we get great returns on sales and engagement.”

-Molly Flores
Marketing Manager, Solmate Socks

Bringing Innovative Pieces to the Digital Puzzle

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Ecommerce PPC

Mad Fish Digital has a proven track record of being a reliable choice for e-commerce PPC marketing. Our expert team designs data-driven marketing strategies that attract customers to our client’s websites. We customize every campaign to ensure that our clients thrive in the competitive landscape industry.

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Full Funnel Strategies

We create full funnel strategies that encompass building awareness, maximizing consideration, and solidifying conversions for our clientele. Every step of the process is specifically tailored to our client’s needs and strengths so that every step of the journey is built around our client’s success.

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Keyword Research & Optimization

Mad Fish Digital conducts thorough keyword research to maximize visibility and boost our clients’ return on investment. Our investigation into high-performing keywords enables us to optimize campaigns to target visitors and increase conversions. 

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Landing Pages

High-converting landing pages not only look nice but function well. We are experts at taking underperforming pages and utilizing our knowledge to remake them into websites that build awareness and trust, which leads to higher conversions and customer retention.

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A / B Split Testing

A/B split testing is our bread and butter. We utilize A/B testing in our campaigns to ensure that we provide the best options for our clients and gain as much brand visibility as possible. 

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Geo-fencing is a must-have for all landscaping businesses. Mad Fish Digital utilizes geo-fencing to ensure that every campaign is aimed at those most likely to be interested in our client’s services within their geographic boundaries.

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Google Ads & Microsoft Advertising

Google Ads and Microsoft Advertising are two main advertising platforms, and leveraging their power effectively can be challenging. Mad Fish Digital has years of experience getting our clients the visibility they deserve. We build trust and authority for our clients and provide real, measurable results so they can be seen by all who are looking. 

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Social Media Advertising

Social media is one advertising channel that is often overlooked in the landscaping industry. It is a powerful tool that Mad Fish Digital capitalizes on so that our clients can thrive when it comes to gaining audience attention and engagement. Through strategic targeting, we reach more people and build unmatched customer loyalty. 

Why Brands Trust Mad Fish Digital as Their Landscaping PPC Partner

At Mad Fish Digital, our clients set the expectations, we just exceed them

We are proud to be an award-winning agency and B-Corporation. Our commitment to transparency and accountability at every turn differentiates us from the competition. We operate on a higher standard of service because we recognize that to make the world a better place, it has to start with us. Providing top-notch PPC services to our clients is one way we give back to the people around us. 

accountable to results

Prioritizing Clients

Mad Fish Digital prioritizes the employee and client experiences. We ensure exceptional results by dedicating our time and energy to developing a positive work environment where our employees feel free to be creative. By doing so, we can provide our clients with outstanding service every time. Our focus on internal and external satisfaction sets us apart from other agencies and ensures that we provide a seamless and rewarding experience for everyone. 

driving results

Achieving Ideal Outcomes for Landscaping Clients

We drive results. Period. Our marketing tactics have been proven time and time again to be effective and efficient. Mad Fish Digital maps strategies to key performance indicators so that our clients can see how each step directly contributes to the success of their landscaping business. Our expertise and dedication are second to none in propelling our clients to new heights. 

innovative approach

New and creative method

Mad Fish Digital utilizes innovative techniques in our digital strategies. We evaluate our campaigns regularly so that we can make any adjustments necessary to continue building our clients up. With our creative passion and data-driven insights, we boost our clients to higher sales and achieve their goals.

Mad Fish Digital 'Research first' approach

Research First Approach

We pride ourselves on our research-first approach. Each time we take on a new client, we do a deep analysis of their brand, competitors, and goals so that we can tailor a strategy to propel them to the top of their digital landscape. Our focus on gaining a deeper understanding allows us to deliver effective and impactful marketing solutions every time.

best agency for the planet

Best Agency for the Planet

Our mission statement is simple: Mad Fish Digital strives to be the best agency for the planet. To be the best, we must empower our employees to learn, grow, and exceed their potential. This alone allows us to drive the best results for our clients. Our clients see the difference when they work alongside people passionate about their work and helping others achieve their goals. We are committed to consistently providing the kind of work environment everyone thrives in. 

Want to Learn More About Our PPC Agency Services?

Reach out today to find out how Mad Fish Digital can elevate your business

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