Lead Generation Marketing Services for Automotive Repair

From keyword research to targeted advertising campaigns, Mad Fish Digital’s pay-per-click services drive more leads and increase online visibility for auto repair businesses. Our team of seasoned digital marketers develop customized paid advertising strategies through proprietary market research, and extensive analysis of your competitive landscape.

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Mad Fish Digital’s PPC services help you reach potential customers at the exact moment they are searching for auto repair services. We create compelling ad copy and optimized landing pages to maximize conversions. 

Our deep understanding of the highly competitive auto repair industry makes Mad Fish Digital a trusted partner. We use geo-targeting and strategic scheduling to make sure that your ads are seen by the right audience at the right time. 

Our PPC services also include continuous monitoring and performance tracking to maximize return on investment and refine campaigns. Our detailed reports and insights are tailored to provide you with the insights needed to make informed decisions for future campaigns.

Partnering with Mad Fish Digital gives auto repair businesses a competitive edge. Our expertise combined with our tailored approach will help attract more customers, increase service appointments, and grow your business.

Best overall PPC initiative - Enterprise in the 2023 Search Engine Land Awards!
Modulus Company Logo

“In our first month working with them, our conversions doubled.”

-Shelly Valentine
Product Marketing Manager, Modulus

Washington State University Vancouver Logo

“Smart, friendly and practical people”

-Brian Bates
Web Communications Manager, Washington State University

Solmate Socks logo

“The team consistently delivers on efficient spending to ensure we get great returns on sales and engagement.”

-Molly Flores
Marketing Manager, Solmate Socks

Check out Some of our Client Successes

Schoolhouse logo on image of styled living room
Palmer logo on image of Palmer campus
Solmate Socks logo over image of person wearing Solmate Socks

View more of our case studies and client success stories here!

Paid Digital Strategy Development for Auto Repair

Mad Fish Digital develops effective PPC strategies for auto repair businesses, including budget allocations, messaging by platform, and audience targeting. Our expertise ensures optimized campaigns and increased ROI.

Download an Example Paid Media Strategy

Auto Repair PPC agency

Mad Fish Digital is the go-to choice for customized pay-per-click management marketing solutions. Our clients see increased website traffic and higher conversion rates through our use of in-depth research, strategic planning, and continuous optimization. Our PPC campaigns improve online visibility and promote business growth by tailoring our approach to the specific needs of your business.

We Help Solve Issues Such As:

Lack of Online Visibility

Auto repair businesses struggle with online visibility, which makes it difficult for potential customers to find them when searching for auto repair services. When your business blends in with the competition, it results in lost opportunities and customer acquisition.

Difficulty in Targeting the Right Audience

It is difficult to target ideal customers effectively for auto repair businesses. Targeting the wrong audience leads to wasting resources on people who are not likely to convert into customers.

Lack of Effective Lead Generation

Generating quality leads is vital to keep businesses from stagnating or losing revenue. Poor lead generation affects the ability to attract new customers and grow a client base.

Digital Marketing Metrics We Manage for Our Auto Repair Clients

Here are some of the key performance indicators (KPIs) that the Mad Fish Digital team optimizes for (and reports) on when managing pay-per-click campaigns for our auto repair industry clients:

  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): This measures the percentage of people who click on your ad after seeing it. For example, a CTR of 3% means that 3 out of every 100 people who see your ad click on it. A good CTR for the auto repair industry might be 4-5%, indicating that the ad is effectively capturing the attention of potential customers.
  • Conversion Rate: This measures the percentage of clicks that result in a desired action, such as a form submission or a phone call. For the auto repair industry, a conversion rate of 10% might indicate that 10 out of every 100 clicks result in booking some type of automotive service, showing the effectiveness of the ad in driving actual business leads.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): This measures the average cost of each click on your ad. For the auto repair industry, a CPC of $2 might indicate that, on average, it costs $2 for someone to click on the ad. This metric helps in understanding the efficiency of ad spend in driving traffic to the website.
  • Quality Score: This metric, provided by search engines like Google, measures the relevance and quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. A high average keyword quality score for a campaign in the auto repair industry indicates that the ad is well-targeted and relevant to users, which can lead to lower CPC and better ad placement.
  • Cost Per Conversion: This measures the average cost of acquiring a lead or customer. For the automotive repair industry, a cost per conversion of $50 might indicate that, on average, it costs $50 to acquire a new customer through the PPC campaign. This metric helps marketing teams to measure the overall efficiency of the campaign in driving actual business results.
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): This measures the revenue generated for every dollar spent on advertising. For the automotive repair industry, a ROAS of 500% means that for every $1 spent on advertising, $5 in revenue is generated. This metric helps in understanding the overall effectiveness of the PPC campaign in driving business growth and profitability.
  • Ad Position Share: This measures the percentage of times your ad is shown in a prominent position on the search results page. For the automotive repair industry, a high ad position share indicates that the ad is frequently displayed at the top of the search results, increasing visibility and potential clicks.

Auto Repair Industry Trends

Consumer spending on vehicle maintenance and repair in the U.S. reached $194.9 billion in 2021, up from $183.3 billion in 2020.

– Deloitte.com

Mad Fish Digital Logo

Bringing Innovative Pieces to the Digital Puzzle

Paid media icon with globe and cart.

Ecommerce PPC

Boost your online sales with Mad Fish Digital’s ecommerce campaign management. Our team of experts will create high-converting ads to maximize conversions and drive revenue to your digital storefront.

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Full Funnel Strategies

Mad Fish Digital’s full funnel strategy is designed to drive results at every stage of the customer journey. By creating awareness through targeted campaigns, creating engaging content, and driving conversions through strategic marketing, we maximize impact and drive key metrics such as lead generation, customer acquisition, and retention.

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Keyword Research & Optimization

We conduct in-depth keyword research for every pay-per-click campaign to identify the most effective keywords to drive targeted traffic to your website. Once campaigns are live, our team monitors and optimizes keywords to ensure we drive the best results possible.

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Landing Pages

High-converting landing pages are essential for auto repair businesses. Our designers leverage design best practices and industry-specific knowledge to build beautiful pages that boost lead generation and conversion rates.

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A / B Split Testing

Mad Fish Digital is a data-driven agency that is always A/B split testing campaigns to maximize conversion rates, click-through rates, and ROI. Our testing process allows us to make informed decisions and run highly optimized ad campaigns for our auto repair clients.

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Using Geo-fencing is vital when running auto repair marketing campaigns. It allows us to target specific geographic areas and serve personalized, relevant ads. This approach is known as 1 to 1 targeting and ensures that your ads reach the right audience at the right moment in the customer journey.

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Google Ads & Microsoft Advertising

Leveraging paid search advertising through Google and Microsoft is vital for digital marketing in the auto repair industry. Since the majority of your customers use these platforms to find answers, we can connect you with potential customers who are actively seeking auto repair services.

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Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising is also highly effective for auto repair businesses. Using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, we can reach and engage with your target audience to build trust, increase customer acquisition, and ultimately boost revenue. 

Why Brands Trust Mad Fish Digital as Their Auto Repair PPC Partner

At Mad Fish Digital, our clients set the expectations, we just exceed them

Mad Fish Digital is a certified B-Corporation and award-winning agency. We help auto repair businesses understand and thrive in the digital landscape. We’ve helped businesses like yours increase revenue, scale advertising, and dominate online competition through strategic digital marketing solutions. 

accountable to results

Prioritizing Clients

Mad Fish Digital is powered by our clients and we believe they are our top priority. Our team is focused on delivering a top-notch service that exceeds client expectations. 

driving results

Achieving Outcomes for Clients.

We are always focused on driving results for your business. Our team tracks Key Performance Indicators for each campaign, ensuring that every effort directly contributes to your success. Our tailored approach delivers measurable outcomes that exceed expectations and propel your business forward.

innovative approach

Fresh Methodology

Mad Fish Digital is constantly innovating and testing marketing strategies for the auto repair industry. We constantly monitor and optimize campaigns to ensure maximum effectiveness. We’re focused on driving results and staying ahead of industry trends to help you grow your business.

Mad Fish Digital 'Research first' approach

Research First Approach

Our research-first approach lets us fully understand our clients and their industry. We begin with a deep dive into your brand’s story and conduct a thorough analysis of your online competitors. This allows us to create tailored strategies that help you stand our from your competitors.

best agency for the planet

Best Agency for the Planet

Our mission statement is simple. Mad Fish Digital strives to be the best agency on the planet. Our employees are empowered to learn, grow, and exceed their potential. We believe that a positive work environment helps us drive the best possible results for our clients.

Want to Learn More About Our PPC Agency Services?

Reach out today to find out how Mad Fish Digital can elevate your business

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