- Become a guest blogger
- Make your website social media-friendly. Add a Facebook Like button to all your pages, invite your visitors to share your content, subscribe by RSS and email, and follow you on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
- Focus on building relationships, not selling products.
- Focus on helping others, not getting others to help you. If you believe in karma, this makes a lot of sense to you. If you don’t, you shouldn’t do Social Media Marketing at all.
- Create great content and post it to forums, groups and communities in your industry.
- Use Facebook marketing.
- Use LinkedIn marketing.
- Use YouTube marketing.
- Use Twitter marketing.
- Use FourSquare.
- Get more Twitter followers, Facebook friends and LinkedIn connections.
- Monitor what people are saying about you, your products, your keywords and your competitors.
- Learn how to approach people effectively.
- Comment on other people’s blogs.
- Become an effective networker.
And, finally, learn from the companies winning at Social Media Marketing. In my opinion, this is the best way to learn what works in the real world.
- http://www.ignitesocialmedia.com/26-social-media-marketing-examples-in-detail/
- http://mashable.com/2008/07/23/corporate-social-media/
- http://www.penn-olson.com/2010/07/22/30-social-media-business-case-studies/
- http://www.getelastic.com/social-media-examples/